
Daniel Hopp, Wolfgang Kerim Schroeder, Liliana Orsini

18 – 20 November 2018
Solitude project space Römerstrasse 2A, Stuttgart

On Sunday 18 November, Hamburg based artist and filmmaker Daniel Hopp, together with his leading actor of JUMP, Wolfgang Kerim Schroeder, hosted a brunch accompanied by a reading and film screening on the upper floor of Akademie Schloss Solitude’s project space in central Stuttgart. Turning the gathering into a film set, Hopp (@daniel_h.o.p.p.) and Schroeder (@multiwolfhamburg) invited Stuttgart based artist and blogger Liliana Orsini (@lupodeboy) to take over the Akademie Solitude’s Instagram channel (@akademieschlosssolitude), resulting in the video below.

The event is part of Gemini, a twofold exhibition, magazine, and series of events curated by anorak and realised in cooperation with Akademie Schloss Solitude, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, and Delphi Kino.

Kindly supported by the City of Stuttgart, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Kanton Basel-Stadt, Meckatzer and Anorak e.V. members.